Textile dyeing consumes over six trillion litres of water per year. All dyes used in the industry, even natural dyes, require the use of harmful chemicals. These include organic solvents, acids and heavy metals used in their production and application. In many instances, wastewater from the dye industry is released directly into surface waters without treatment. Colorifix has developed a revolutionary dyeing process to help the textile industry dramatically reduce its environmental impact in a cost effective manner using a synthetic biology based approach. Microorganisms are engineered to produce, deposit and fix the desired pigment colour. This way agricultural by-products are converted into pigments and dyed fabrics. As a result, Colorifix use ten times less water than traditional dyeing processes and do not use heavy metals, organic solvents or acids. Instead of using ubiquitous petrochemicals that are non-renewable and toxic, they use microbiology and the DNA from Nature responsible for pigment production.